HA Micro-Needling
Hydrates and Fills for Fuller, Healthier Looking Skin

Micro-Needling with Hyaluronic Acid (HA)

Micro-needling with Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is an effective and cost-effective alternative treatment to PRP Micro-needling that can be used to treat wrinkles, fine lines and stretch marks.

What is Micro-Needling?

Micro-Needling with Hyaluronic Acid is a natural, non-invasive skin therapy that can be performed quickly in our office. Your provider will apply a numbing cream to the area to be treated, and then she uses a Micropen, a device with tiny needles moving at an extremely fast rate, to create controlled micro-injuries. These small perforations allow the HA to penetrate the outer layer of the skin for maximum effectiveness (up to 3,000% more absorption than topically applied HA).

What is Hyaluronic Acid and How Does It Help?

Hyaluronic Acid is a naturally occurring compound found in our skin. It is actually a sugar molecule that binds with and absorbs water. The end result is fuller, firmer looking skin that is hydrated and youthful. As we age, our bodies produce less HA, which causes wrinkles and fine lines to become more pronounced.

What Does Micro-Needling Do?

Micro-needling is used for a variety of beauty and anti-aging enhancements for wrinkle reduction, texture and tone improvement, and softer, younger looking skin. Microneedling with Hyaluronic Acid is used to to smooth wrinkles, fill fine lines, reduce the size of pores and minimize stretch marks. It can literally take years of aging from your face and skin.

How Long Does It Take?

The actual procedure itself is done in our office at Sunshine Health Care Center and takes approximately 15-20 minutes, depending on the size and condition of the area being treated. For the first three days after the procedure your skin will be pink and might begin to scab. You might notice your skin begin to peel, similar to a sunburn — do not scratch or pick at scabs during this period.

You should avoid wearing makeup and stay out of the sun during this period. Gently wash your face with a mild soap twice a day, and apply the leftover Hyaluronic Acid topical gel. You might consider scheduling the procedure at a time when you can stay home and rest for the first day or two. After that, you can wear light makeup and you should always wear a good sunscreen.

How Many Procedures Does It Take?

Depending on the results you are looking for and the condition of the area being treated, PRP Micro-Needling takes a minimum of two (2) treatments for wrinkles up to a maximum of six (6) treatments for stretch marks and scars. Please schedule a consultation to talk to a provider and discuss your expectations. We can formulate the right treatment plan for you to get the results that you want.

How Long Does It Last?

You will begin to see gradual improvements after the first week with full healing at around the 2-3 week mark. Improvements in your skin tone and texture can continue for up to 6 weeks. The effects of the treatment last a variable amount of time depending on how you treat your skin, but you can expect to see benefits last from between 6 months to a year.

Contact Us Now for a Free Consultation

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Sunshine Health Care Center uses Bellus Medical SkinPen® Micro-Pens and Eclipse® Centrifuges. The SkinPen® is the first and only FDA Approved Microneedling device.

SkinPen® exclusively used at Sunshine Health Care Center